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Thunderbird District Contact Information

Thunderbird District

Clarence DulaDistrict Chairmanclarence.dula@gmail.com
Don BeasleyDistrict Commissioner314-704-1351dbeasleysr107@gmail.com
Tori SmithSenior District Director

708-264-4425 / 314-256-3088tori.smith@scouting.org
Tim WieseActivities & Civic Service Chairman314-353-7238 tjwiese1949@msn.com
Scott HoffmannAdvancement & Recognition Chairman314-752-2714scottfhoffmann@yahoo.com
John EbertCamp Promotion & Outdoor Chairman314-258-0613theebert6@juno.com
Mike LohffOrder of the Arrow Adviser 314-591-9575m.lohff@att.net
Tim RedmondTraining Chairman314-646-1018 timredmond3@aol.com
Jim BerdingVenturing Officers' Association Advisor 314-412-1478jim.berding@gmail.com
Kris RanciglioDistrict Public Relations Chairrichandkris@sbcglobal.net
Jacqueline MattinglySTEM Chair314-345-0272jacqueline.mattingly@gmail.com
Terry NickolotskyPrograms Chair314-638-67315nickolotsky@sbcglobal.net
Dennis TraskMembership Chair314-226-0984dennistrask@att.net
Chris HohnEagle Board Chair314-552-6159 chohn@thompsoncoburn.com

Thunderbird District Advancement & Recognition

Eagle BOR Meeting Virtually

We will still meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month, but will do so remotely. “Remotely” does necessitate the Scout to physically mail or electronically mail Eagle paperwork to Chris Hohn, Eagle Chair, so the paperwork is in his possession two days before the meeting. The Board will then proceed with its usual approval process, although remotely. Chris Hohn can be contacted at: chohn@thompsoncoburn.com

Cub Scout and Boy Scout Virtual Advancement Workshops

Congratulations to our District Awardees

Spark Plug Awards

The Spark Plug is a unit level recognition, to give a shout out to that volunteer that bring energy and vitality to  your unit program delivery. This year the following were given the Thunderbird Spark Plug Awards:

  • Brandy Fowler – Pack 108
  • Richard Pereira – Troop 181
  • Jason Sutterfield – Troop 110
  • Gerard M. Kamper – Troop 62

Eagle Within Award

Eagle Within Award Winners were also awarded at this year’s District Award Dinner for service over and above!

  • Tony Duncan -Troop 51
  • Scott Hoffman – Pack 4


John Gundy of the Thunderbird District was a recipient of the Silver Beaver Award this year.

This is an entire list of all awardees from all of the GSLAC. These awardees go back to 1931! This is the highest award a council can bestow on a volunteer.

Entire List of awardees

Thunderbird Award of Merit List

Find attached the list of Merit award winners for the Thunderbird district. This is the highest award a district can bestow on a volunteer.

TB Award of Merit Recipients 2017 and beyond

Eagle Project Grants 

Calling all Life Scouts! The St. Louis Eagle Scout Association is offering grants to help you complete your Eagle Scout project! For requirements and the application, visit stlesa.org/Eagle-Project-Grants. To date, the Eagle Scout Association has granted over $4,500 to Scouts.

Helpful Links

Resources / Downloads




Internet Rechartering

Click here to visit the Rechartering website.

Click here for a brief tutorial (requires Flash Player)

Click here for an overview.

To renew your unit charter on-line:

  • Sixty days before your unit’s expiration date, select a renewal processor. This should be someone in your unit who is familiar with the members and leaders of your unit to ensure all information provided through the process is correct.
  • Your unit charter renewal packet is distributed to the unit leadership and includes an access code specifically assigned to your unit.
  • Thirty to forty-five days before your unit’s expiration date, the renewal processor clicks Recharter Now on this webpage and begins the process.
  • When the on-line process is completed, the renewal processor prints the completed charter renewal application.
  • The Unit Leader and the Executive Officer sign the charter renewal application. The signed application along with any individual applications for new youth members or adult leaders, and materials received in the charter renewal packet and all appropriate fees, should then be brought to the Council Service Center, or your district’s charter turn-in meeting.


Thunderbird District Activities and Camping

District Calendar

Click here for a downloadable version of our calendar.

Fall Camporee 2020

October 2-4  Beaumont – Lane field
Fee for Scouts BSA is $8.00
Check in at T-B HQ between 5:00and 9:00pm on Friday evening – or between 8:00 and 9:00am on Sat
Bring fees and completed rosters.
ALL participants need to check in at HQ to have temperature checked before proceeding to event area
If possible, check in as a unit (make things easier)
Parents / drivers need to stay in their cars to drop off or check in for temperature checks before proceeding
Same goes for pick -up
Unit leaders will be responsible for ensuring that all participants follow the safety guidelines and are healthy BEFORE they leave for camp
Masks are to be worn at all times except when eating or sleeping
Scouts should sleep 1 Scout per tent unless same sex family members
Regular had washing and sanitizing required
We are limited to 50 participants per area.
Grand Towers will be at one end of the field and Thunderbird at the other.
If Thunderbird has more than 50 campers, we’ll have to put them in a 3rd area
We’ll try to spread out each unit’s camping areas as much as possible and limit intermingling of units.
There’ll be no “campwide” events.  So no district campfire.
Units can have their own fires in their camping areas
Theme is “Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge”
Program Starts at 9:00am on Saturday
Units should split up into groups of approx. 10 Scouts to move from station to station on Saturday as Patrols
Groups will be proceeding around the Camporee field from event to event in a clockwise direction
Patrols should pack a sack lunch to be eaten within their pod and not return to campsite until they have rotated through the entire event in order to avoid as much intermingling as possible

If any Unit wants to come out for just Saturday (no camping), that’s fine
They just need to check in at District HQ between 8 and 9 on Saturday

We will not be running a Cub Scout program at the Camporee – instead
Cub Launch will be happening Every Saturday in September and October thru Oct 24
$10 (a $5 voucher is available for all “new” Cubs)
Register Online on GSLAC website (stlbsa.org)
Cubs MAY camp with Troops – up to the unit
But they will need to make a separate reservation with Council

If any Scouts have difficulty coming up with the fees for this Camporee – contact me, John Ebert at theebert6@juno.com  Camperships may be available.

Fall 2020 Camp Manual

Popcorn Sales

The council is hard at work planning the 2020 popcorn sale. GSLAC and Pecatonica are working on a variety of ways to execute an awesome sale during these abnormal times. I want to reassure you that we are going to make sure we give you the tools and plan to keep all of your scout families safe. If you are returning as the kernel you will have to set up a new popcorn username and passcode.

SIGN UP FOR THE 2020 POPCORN SALE HERE (Click the “Create Unit Profile” button and be sure to enter the council key: 312gsla)

For all the dates: 2020 Important Popcorn Dates



TOPIC 1: Cub Scout Meeting Planning Guide

  • A planning guide for packs and dens to navigate how to meeting safely during the time of COVID
  • Virtual and In-Person Meeting ideas
  • Feature full list of Cub Scout Advancements for each rank that can be done outside and socially distant
  • Other ideas on drive-up advancement ceremonies or other fun activities to do safely, in-person
  • 2nd edition to come for the winter
  • Information and Guide (attached): https://stlbsa.org/2020FallOutdoorExperiences/

TOPIC 2: Scouts BSA Troop Planning Guide

  • Meeting and activity guidance, like where to meet, what types of technology to use, and how to make sure you are meeting Youth Protection requirements
  • Camping and transportation guidelines
  • A sample meeting agenda with guidance on how to do each part virtually
  • Individual meeting plans for September through December, with monthly themes designed to complement rank advancement and get troops outdoors.
  • Guidance on service opportunities and selecting an Eagle project
  • Information and Guide (attached): https://stlbsa.org/2020FallOutdoorExperiences/

TOPIC 3: Cub Launch Saturdays

  • Will take place almost every Saturday in September and October at Beaumont and then 7 other locations will have multiple Saturdays to choose from as well (flyer attached)
  • Sessions will be capped at 50 people both staff and participants
  • The sessions at Beaumont will be at 9AM, 11AM and 1PM
  • Activities include, hiking the bobcat trail (where they can get their bobcat badge), archery, bb guns and STEM demonstrations and a STEM activity
  • And new Scouts will get $5 off registration (voucher attached)
  • Information and dates: https://stlbsa.org/activities/events/cub-launch/

QUESTIONS? Contact Suzie Voss: suzie.voss@scouting.org



ScoutFest 21 is a once-a-decade, regional Scouting camporee organized by the Greater St. Louis Area Council. Expected attendance is 20,000 people across one weekend in Forest Park!

ScoutFest 21 is open to the whole family, including Cub Scouts, to camp overnight in St. Louis’s iconic park. Exciting program and activities are currently being developed by volunteers and youth, and will include live performances and fireworks on Art Hill, STEM and robotics, climbing walls, water sports, competitions, and much more!

The dates are set at October 1-3, 2021.

Go to the website for more information: https://www.scoutfest21.com/

Thunderbird District Merit Badge Counselor

Become a Merit Badge Counselor

Interested in becoming a Merit Badge Counselor or Supernova  Mentor?

There are three steps:

  1. The first step is to have current Youth Protection Training. Available at my.scouting.org
  2. The second step is to be a registered member of the Greater St. Louis Area Council or complete an Adult Application to become a registered member.
  3. The third step is to complete the merit badge counselor request.
  4. This can be done online or on paper.

To submit online:

Click here.
Select the box labeled Merit Badge Counselor Registration.
Complete the form.

Special note for the Troop Selection field:
Greater St. Louis Area Council does not subscribe to selective unit request.  You may fill this field with the unit number you are registered with or leave it blank.

To submit via paper:

Click here to download a paper copy.  Send the completed form to your District Advancement Chair or District STEM Chair.

Join Now

Ready to join or would you like to know more?  Please click the link below to begin your adventure.

Help Now

Scouts in the greater st. Louis area council rely on the generosity of individuals, sponsors, organizations and charitable donors to help them grow into the next generation of leaders.