Greater St. Louis Area Council is offering live Youth Protection Training using on line technology. Click a link for more information and to sign up for the training date of your choice.
Thursday, Sept 17th at 7:00 pm sign up
Monday, October 12th 7:00 pm sign up
Saturday, November 07th at 9:00 am sign up
Wednesday, December 09th at 7:00pm Sign up
In-Person Training is being offered for those who are unable to use Zoom or my.scouting to complete Youth Protection Training. The date is September 30th starting at 6:30. Space at this training is extremely limited and intended for anyone who is unable to use the online resources. The date is September 30th at 6:30pm at Beaumont Scout Reservation. Sign up here
How-To Guide For Taking Youth Protection Training
The Greater St. Louis Area Council places the highest importance on providing a secure environment for all Scouts. To maintain these standards, the Boy Scouts of America has established strict procedural and leadership selection policies, along with providing the finest resources necessary to help parents and leaders safely lead their Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing programs.
Youth Protection Training is required for all BSA registered volunteers and must be taken every two years. Youth Protection Training is offered online at
The BSA’s Youth Protection Training covers strategies for personal safety and awareness for youth as well as adults, addressing these key policies:
- Two-deep leadership is required on all outings
- One-on-one contact between adults and youth is prohibited
- Privacy of youth is respected
- Separate accommodations for adults and Scouts are required
- Units are responsible for enforcement of the Youth Protection policies
For more information on the BSA’s Youth Protection policies, click here.
In February 2018 the BSA is rolling out updated youth protection training for staff, leaders, and parents. The training will include a three-module course that all leaders will be required to complete.
- BSA’s Youth Protection Policies and Procedures
- Sexual Abuse
- Bullying
By October 1, 2018, all new and currently registered leaders will be required to complete the updated training. The prior version of BSA’s Youth Protection trainings will no longer be available. The updated training replaces other Youth Protection trainings and is required for all BSA programs.
Training is available online 24/7 at:
Additional updated youth protection policies include:
- Any person looking to become a registered leader in Scouting must complete the BSA’s youth protection training before registering.
- Youth protection training is mandatory for any volunteer who participates in an outing lasting longer than 72 hours.
- Units may not re-charter unless and until all adult leaders are trained in the BSA’s youth protection.
- Adult Youth Protection Training is required for adult program participants 18 years or older. Adult program participants (Venturing, Order of the Arrow, Exploring) must complete adult Youth Protection Training before submitting their adult application.
New training and resources that will further strengthen our ability to protect youth. These changes include:
- Fully updated and revised Youth Protection Training developed with leaders in the field of child abuse prevention and includes insights from experts, survivors and the latest strategies for recognizing and preventing major forms of abuse. This is the designated Youth Protection training for all adults.
- Expanded youth protection content across all our communications channels will inform and engage our volunteers and parents.
- An expanded ScoutsFirst Helpline to aid volunteers and families in addressing potentially dangerous situations.
- The BSA also provides unlimited counseling and support for healing to anyone who has ever been abused in Scouting.
- Youth protection training for youth members will be available in 2019.
With these changes, we will continue to build a safe environment for our youth. Nothing is more important than the safety of our children. The Boy Scouts of America will not stand by while people take advantage of our trusted program to harm children.