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IOLS  Click Here to Sign Up

October 17 or 18, 2020

IOLS Training will be held on October 17 or October 18 as an In Person event at Beaumont Scout Reservation. In addition to the event each participant will select a Zoom session to complete the training.

The quality of the training will meet our high standards but allow for flexibility to maneuver through COVID safety measures.

IOLS Gear & Packing List


Along with Scoutmaster Specifics this course is required of all direct contact leaders registered in  Scout Troops  in order to be considered “trained.”

The Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) course builds and expands on the concepts and themes introduced in Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training and provides Scouters with the confidence to take youth into the outdoors.

Specifically, this hands-on program gives adult leaders a practical introduction to the patrol method of a scout-led troop by teaching many of the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. In addition, the teaching methods, activities, and games model the variety of teaching used in effective and engaging Scouting programs.

The skills sessions presented in Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills closely follow the Scout Handbook and are meant to serve as an adult training outline. By using these skills sessions in conjunction with the Scout Handbook, trainers can be sure new leaders are proficient in many of the basic outdoor skills through First Class rank, and gain exposure to the patrol method and numerous teaching methods and learning games.

Hands-on participation is the best learning tool, and this course models the techniques used by effective Scoutmasters,Advisors, and other leaders in the Scouting program. Attendees will see and experience different aspects of how Scouting works while playing the role of Scouts in a troop.

Participants should leave the training experience with a full understanding of how the patrol method operates, a feeling of comfort in working with and instructing their Scouts, and an increased level of confidence taking Scouts outdoors safely. With that comes great satisfaction.

Next Training date is October 16-18, 2020
sign up coming soon